Sunday 10 January 2016

The soul purpose of this blog.

Why I decided to increase the amount of unnecessary garbage on the internet?
Well, once, it's free and there is also a lot of dumber sites, so if 15y old girls can posts about their life dramas, clothes, last meal or anything else 15y old girls write on the internet, why can't do I?

About the content of the blog... I will put here everything I never had courage to share. That's why it's called confessional. One day, not now. Maybe my "poems" (well i never showed it to anybody, maybe I'm talented as fuck, who knows.) some life thoughts, mostly blabbering and bullshit.

So if you found this blog, you may call yourself lucky, because I will never send it to anyone. (Or I know shit about anonymity on the internet and you found it somehow by my google account.) If you know me by person, please don't ever talk to me about what you read here or show it to anyone who knows me. The sole purpose if this blog, is to treat it like a confessional booth. I come, talk, you read, I don't know you, you are on the other side of the planet, let's keep it that way.
It may be also my first and last post on this page. Who knows. While writing this, I already had a few thought like "why I should share anything with anyone", so who knows.

I think everyone needs this one person or place, to whom or where he can tell/say everything. For many, a priest in a wooden box is a perfect solution. He won't recognise you, nor tell your secrets to anyone, the part where he can guide you is nice but... nah. I don't need guidance. Just a place where I can drop the shit that's buzzing in my head since... always. I'm not a religious person, so that could be a problem too.

Okay. Diablo II is calling, so if I made any mistakes in grammar, I will check them next time I'm here.
Till the next time.

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